Edelweiss Composite Veneers

Now You can have the beautiful smile you've always wanted- in one appointment and for less money!

Edelweiss Composite Veneers can enhance your smile by treating these common conditions:

Tooth Discoloration

Shape and Length of teeth

Gaps between teeth


Ask Dr. Swenson "How?!" today!


                            BEFORE                                                                 AFTER

Whether you're looking to close a gap between your teeth, change the shape of a specific tooth, or you need to repair a tooth that has been cracked or broken, Edelweiss composite veneers can give you the smile you've always wanted.


Uniquely you- for less!

Because Edelweiss veneers are prefabricated, they cost less. But this doesn’t mean you’ll get a prefabricated smile. Your dentist hand-customizes each veneer to a length and shape that perfectly matches your desired look. The end result is a smile that is uniquely yours.


A Long Lasting Smile

Made using a special laser technology, Edelweiss veneers have a durable, ceramic-like surface, giving them a youthful luminance and an extremely natural look. Beacuse they're so durable, they're more resistant to scratching, chipping, and becoming dull, so you can be confident your new smile will last.


A Natural, Healthy Way to Enhance Your Smile

Edelweiss composite veneers offer you a natural, enamel-like surface that lasts. And because they’re sized to fit any tooth, they allow your dentist to keep as much natural tooth structure intact as possible. So you end up with a beautiful, healthy smile.


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Do they last?
  • Yes. Because Edelweiss composite veneers are made using an advanced laser technology, they have a durable, ceramic-like surface. So you can rest easy knowing the smile you wear as you leave your appointment will last for years to come.
  • How much do they cost?
  • There are many factors that contribute to the cost of dental work. Because every case is different, it's best to make an appointment with Dr. Swenson to see how much having Edelweiss veneers placed will cost for you. But because Edelweiss veneers are prefabricated, they do cost less than lab-based veneers.
  • How does Edelweiss compare to porcelain?
  • Edelweiss veneers are prefabricated; porcelain veneers are custom-made. But using a prefabricated veneer doesn't mean you'll get a prefabricated smile. Dr. Swenson still hand-customizes each and every veneer to fit your desired appearance, so you're sure to get a smile you'll be excited to show off.

    Plus Edelweiss veneers are more durable and cost effective than porcelain, making them a great choice for any patient considering esthetic dental options.

  • Why does the anatomy of the tooth matter?

  • Minimally invasive dentistry allows dentists to maintain healthy tooth structure. Practicing minimally invasive dentistry encourages prevention, which reduces the need for costly visits down the road. Edelweiss composite veneers fit in with a dentist's minimally invasive philosophy by allowing as much of your natural tooth structure to stay intact as possible. The result is a smile that's not only beautiful, but healthy too.




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